Acerca de

Privacy Policy
The Union of European Expert Chambers (hereinafter, the "UCEE") expresses its commitment and attention to the processing of personal data of users of the website www.ucee.eu and https://www.africafoodeconomicforum.eu (hereinafter, the "Site"), through the adoption of a personal data privacy policy compliant with EU Regulation n. 2016/679 (hereinafter GDPR), relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, and also to the regulation of the Code concerning the protection of personal data ("Privacy Code"), contained in the Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196.
This page describes the methods of processing the personal data of users who consult the Site, through a specific disclosure that is made, pursuant to art. 13 of the EU Regulation n. 2016/679 (GDPR) and also of the art. 13 of the Privacy Code, to all those who interact with the web services rendered by UCEE, accessible electronically starting from the address: http://www.ucee.eu corresponding to the official home page of the Site.
The information is provided only for the Site and not for other websites that may be consulted by the user via links accessible from the site.
The information may be changed due to the introduction of new regulations in this regard. The user is therefore invited to periodically check this page.
If the user is under 16, pursuant to art. 8, prf. 1 of the GDPR, will have to legitimize his consent through the authorization of the parents or his guardian.
Information on the processing of data relating to navigation on the Site.
Data Controller
The data controller, who determines the purposes and means of processing personal data, is relative to this Website:
U.C.E.E - Union of European Expert Chambers - Non-Governmental Organization Registered Office: Via Giovanni Randaccio n. 5 - Turin, Tax Code and VAT number n. 97586650018.
Any requests regarding privacy or clarification of this information may be sent in writing to the following address:
U.C.E.E, General Secretariat, Via Giovanni Randaccio n. 5 - Turin.
Type of data processed and purpose of processing.
Navigation within the Site is free and does not require any registration by the user except in cases where the collection of personal data is necessary to achieve certain purposes such as, for example: making certain services available
During the access to the Site it is therefore possible to distinguish the data deriving only from the user's navigation, from the data voluntarily provided by the user in relation to specific purposes.
Data deriving from user navigation
The computer systems and software procedures used to operate the Site acquire, during their normal operation, some data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.
This information is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified. Such data processing and association activities are never carried out or commissioned by U.C.E.E. to third parties.
This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users connecting to the Site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) ​​addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numeric code indicating the status of the response given by the server (success, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user's IT environment.
This data is used by U.C.E.E. exclusively in anonymous form and for statistical purposes related to the use of the Site and its correct functioning. The data could be used and stored in the event of suspected computer crimes against the Site, for which U.C.E.E. reserves the right to appeal to the competent authorities to ascertain any liability.
Data provided voluntarily by the user
Personal data provided by users who voluntarily interact with the Site, providing their personal data to U.C.E.E. for the achievement of certain services (paid services, requests for commercial information, participation in a forum, sending of a curriculum vitae or e-mail messages, etc.), they are used for the sole purpose of performing the service or service requested and are communicated to third parties only if this is strictly necessary for the execution of the service (shipment of material, provision of assistance, etc.).
Specific summary information is reported or displayed on the pages of the Website prepared for the services on request, in such a way as to draw the attention of the interested party to the processing of his personal data.
Except as specified above for navigation data, the provision of users' personal data is optional, even if functional for the provision of certain services; in these cases, therefore, failure to provide the data could compromise or make it impossible to provide the service.
The software applications used may contain "cookie" technology. Cookies are primarily intended to facilitate user navigation. Cookies can provide information on browsing within the Site and allow the operation of some services that require identification of the user's path through different pages of the Site. The cookies used in the software applications are anonymous and cannot be traced. to the user's personal data. For any access to the portal regardless of the presence of a cookie, the type of browser (eg Internet Explorer, Netscape), the operating system (eg Macintosh, Windows), the host and URL of the visitor's origin are recorded. in addition to the data on the requested page. However, the user has the opportunity to set his browser to be informed when you receive a cookie and decide in this way to delete it. Further information on cookies can be found on the websites of the browsers.
"The cookies are then divided into" session "and" persistent ", the first once downloaded are then deleted when the browser is closed, the latter are stored on the hard disk of the user / visitor until they expire. Persistent cookies they are mainly used to facilitate site navigation, to understand which sections of the site have generated a certain number of pages and users and also for the delivery of advertising formats.In relation to UCEE advertising messages, like most of the competing sites, uses cookies generated by other sites to deliver advertising formats, session cookies are mainly used during authentication, authorization and navigation in the services accessed through a registration ".
Cookies can be of various types, depending on the type of data they store and how long they remain stored on the user's device.
Session cookies, or temporary cookies, are those that expire or are canceled when the browser is closed, while persistent cookies have longer deadlines (from a few minutes to full months) depending on the functions they perform. It is these functions that distinguish cookies in two categories: technical and non-technical (or profiling).
Technical cookies manage the data needed to deliver the pages and facilitate navigation, allowing, for example, not to have to re-enter the user and password to access particular services, to remember the last page visited or to what extent we have seen a video, to recognize the type of device in use and to adapt the size of the images accordingly. Technical cookies also allow aggregate statistical analyzes to be performed on the most visited pages and on users' preferences, but only anonymously, and are not used to analyze the behavior or preferences of individual users.
Profiling cookies, on the other hand, are used to analyze the interests and browsing habits of individual users, to personalize browsing and to provide, for example, content, including advertising, aimed at particular interests.
Cookies can be delivered directly by the operator of the site on which you are browsing (first-party cookies) or, if the site supports external services for particular functions, by third parties (third-party cookies).
U.C.E.E. uses on his pages cookies both technical and non-technical, including third parties, in order to improve the experience on his site, adapting it, for example, depending on the browser and the device in use, selecting the type of content displayed, or exposing advertising of potential interest to the individual user.
Navigation on the pages of U.C.E.E. provides for the use of technical and non-technical cookies (the latter also referred to as "profiling"), of first and third parts, necessary for the provision of the service, used for statistical purposes, navigation analysis and for the provision of services and customized commercial communications.
If you are on the site U.C.E.E. and display the informative banner of the existence of cookies, whether you continue browsing the site, clicking on any element of the site or on an image or even simply scrolling the page or closing the information layer by clicking the "X" button, give the consent to the use of profiling cookies described in this statement and implemented in the pages of the UCEE website.
It is possible to disable the cookie functions, both of first and third parties, directly from the browser you are using, according to the instructions provided by the relative manufacturers, or using the appropriate programs; however, U.C.E.E. wants to remember that the restriction of the ability of websites to send cookies can worsen users' overall browsing experience.
Consent when cookies are received it can also be expressed through specific browser configurations by users. Most browsers allow you to set rules to manage cookies sent only by some or all sites, an option that offers users a more precise control of privacy and denies the possibility of receiving cookies themselves, or in any case of changing the previously made choices.
Below we offer links to instructions for the most common browsers:
Third-party cookies
While browsing the pages of U.C.E.E. Network sites, for statistical or profiling purposes for the delivery of advertising, non-technical cookies managed by third parties and not directly by U.C.E.E.
Following the list of third parties involved with links to the relative management policies.
Google Analytics - Statistical cookies
Webtrekk - Statistical cookies
Nielsen - Statistical cookies
DotnAds - Profiling cookies
Neodata - Profiling cookies
4w MarketPlace for Publishers - Profiling cookies
Facebook - Profiling cookies
Twitter - Profiling cookies
Google+ - Profiling cookies
Linkedin - Profiling cookies
Pinterest - Profiling cookies
comScore - Profiling cookies
Tikato S.r.l. - Profiling cookies
For more information and to disable third-party cookies: http://www.youronlinechoices.com/ch-it/
Place methods and duration of data processing.
The processing operations connected to the web services of the Site take place at the headquarters of U.C.E.E. and are handled by technical personnel specifically charged with data processing, using automated or manual tools, for the time strictly necessary for the purposes for which the data were collected. No data deriving from the web service is communicated or disseminated to third parties without the consent of the interested party, except in those cases where this is strictly functional to rendering a service requested by the same interested party.
User rights.
In application of the provisions of Chapter III "Rights of the interested party" of the GDPR, the rights of the user in relation to the processing of personal data carried out on the Site are described below.
U.C.E.E. therefore intends to inform the user about the existence of the following rights: (i) right of access to data, (ii) the right to request the rectification, cancellation, or limitation of the processing, (iii) the right to oppose the processing , (iv) the right to data portability, (v) the right to withdraw consent to the processing, at any time and (vi) the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.
The rights specified in points (i) - (ii) - (iii) - (iv) - (v) referred to in the aforementioned Chapter III "Rights of the interested party" of the GDPR may be exercised by the user by contacting UCEE in writing , to the following address:
U.C.E.E, General Secretariat, Via Giovanni Randaccio n. 5 - Turin.
Data processing for journalistic purposes
The personal data present in the context of the information content of the Site, present for the purpose of journalistic information (news, photos, videos, etc.), are treated in accordance with the rules established by Title XII of the Privacy Code and in particular by articles 136 (Journalistic purposes and other manifestations of thought), 137 (Applicable provisions), 138 (Professional secrecy) and 139 (Code of ethics relating to journalistic activities), as well as to articles 85 (Treatment and freedom of expression and information) and 89 (Guarantees and exceptions relating to the processing for storage purposes in the public interest, of scientific or historical research or for statistical purposes) of the GDPR.